Jeff Roope


Jeff Roope is English and he works mainly in Germany, England and France where his pills are being used to a great extent. For some periods of time he is also in Denmark, where he lives in Hellerup near Copenhagen. He travels a lot and spends about 2 weeks per month in Denmark.

Ever since he was a child he knew he had a special gift - he could heal. Among other things he could remove headache quickly or if his friends fell and hurt themselves he could take away the pain - solely by using his hands. In his lifetime he has traveled the world and has greedily collected information and data about natural medicine and it's effect on various diseases, including 3 years of studying in China. As a result, he now has a factory in England, where the pills for what his patients call the "Jeff Diet" are being produced. The pills were tested on friends and acquaintances and the results were astonishing and the demand from all around the world is increasing enormously. Also, more and more doctors refer patients to Jeff.

What Jeff says and which must be emphasized is that he can NOT cure cancer. He works within 2 different fields, healing and the pills. He says that everything is energy. Our bodies consist of energy, of tiny little atoms. By healing and his hands he creates a balance in the energies, which are either blocked or imbalanced. And the pills strengthen the immune system, clear out the lymphatic system and raise the blood counts. When these 3 things are ok, the body can heal itself. The disease will simply leave the body.

It is important to him to emphasize that his medicine doesn't cure diseases! It merely helps the body heal itself.

Being one of the few alternative therapists I have been in contact with, he does not advice against the conventional treatment, operation radiation or chemotherapy. Due to the effect of the pills, most patients can get through chemotherapy without any major side effects. Of course there are no guarantees, but it reduces the hair loss considerably so it only gets a bit thin. Another effect, like mentioned earlier, is that the blood counts stay at a good level. That way avoiding having to postpone chemo or reduce doses and generally it just makes you feel better.

Generally, I get through the chemo therapy quite well. Rumour has it that it is a "tough" chemo I'm having, one who's supposed to have a lot of side effects. By the 3rd chemo, Jeff suggested I take some more pills and I actually "sailed" through it. I could feel it but it just felt as if a "flue was coming on"...I felt like that for a couple of days, and after that I was fine again. After 2 series of chemo therapy I had a scan and the tumours had shrunk by 30-50 percent, which the doctors said was: "...somewhat surprising...seldom seen...)

I've seen letters from people who have had enormous benefit from his pills. I've talked to other patients who took his pills, where the doctors couldn't understand how they had recuperated so well. From being a very sceptical person, nurse by profession, I have had to give in to Jeff and his knowledge. I know from experience that the alternative jungle is big and hard to see through, but I'm convinced I have found the right thing.

I also have to mention that the pills don't work for cancer only. As it strengthens the whole immune system many diseases can be fought, in particular, I've seen letters from people with arthritis, pains and allergies, whose symptoms have been reduced after taking the pills.

The Jeff-Cure