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Download software for Power-100 Universal programmer:

MS-DOS Version 8.40.11 - 9. May 1997 - UPDATE_P.EXE - 57157 bytes
This update-file is updating V8.40.01 with the following changes:
The file UPDATE_P.EXE, which contain 3 files, have to be unpacked in your Power-100 directory where the 2 existent files must be overwritten.

INSTALL.EXE - 16441 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 8.40.01 - 22. Nov. 1995 - POWEREXE.EXE - 1033549 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 8.40.01 - 22. Nov. 1995 - POWERDRV.EXE - 931228 bytes (disk2)
This file have I earlier called V8.41 because Sunshine released 2 updates in Nov. 1995 (Nov.7 and Nov.22) and forgot to change the software version number but to avoid confusion, Sunshine have begun calling this file for V8.40.

FILE: If you want to install from diskettes (INSTALL.EXE on same disk as POWEREXE.EXE) you gonna need 2 diskettes.
The files POWEREXE.EXE and POWERDRV.EXE can also be unpacked in a directory of your own choice WITHOUT use of the INSTALL.EXE and the software will be ready for use. Sub-directorys will be installed automaticly when unpacked.

GANG-ADAPTOR: Do you need some special Gang-adapter (4-socket) drivers. They are not included in POWEREXE.EXE or POWERDRV.EXE

Download software for 4-socket adapters:

MS-DOS Version 8.15 - 19. Aug. 1994 - POWERGNG.EXE - 359658 bytes
The file POWERGNG.EXE can be unpacked in a directory of your own choice and the software will be ready for use.

Do you have any problems with the software (installation or use), then you can contact me at: rmadrm@danbbs.dk My name is Robert
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