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Download software for Expro-60/80 Universal programmer:

Information about versions:

V1.50 EXPRO1/EXPRO2: This is the full version of software V1.50 made by Hi-Lo systems, Taiwan. (James Huangs brother company) except some adapter-files.

V8.40.11 EXPROEXE/EXPROADP: This is the software made by Sunshine but not updated for a long time and will never be updated.

INSTALL.EXE - 16441 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 1.50 - May 1998 - EXPRO1.EXE - 1436504 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 1.50 - May 1998 - EXPRO2.EXE - 1454565 bytes (disk2)

FILE: Important! Please use INSTALL.EXE for installation of the software (if you want to install from diskettes) or unpack with -d : EXPRO1 -D and EXPRO2 -D
This version FOLLOWS version V8.40.11 . Version 1.50 is fundamental different from Version 8.40.11 in building and layout, so you must keep your old version 8.40 .
HINTS:This README.DOC contain hints for V1.50.
BUGS:If you find any bugs/problems, please let me know.
INFORMATION:The software cannot recognize an Expro-80 from an Expro-60. An Expro-80 will therefore be considered as an Expro-60 and as a result, those ICs which demand an adapter on Expro-60 but not on an Expro-80 (please see DEVICE.LST) cannot be programmed on an Expro-80 without adapter. You should therefore as a first choice use software V8.40 or earlier version and only use the new V1.50 if it contains an IC which is not included in V8.40.
And now you maybe ask why? Because this software is not made by Sunshine. Someone told me that Hi-Lo systems Universal programmer ALL-03(A) was nearly identical with the Expro-60. So I downloaded Hi-Lo's software for ALL-03 and found out that it was the same software as V1.40 I got from Sunshine back in 1996!!!
I have now updated the software with the new drivers and called the software V1.50 . I have also changed the menu from Sunshines to Hi-Lo's menu because I find it a lot better! Hi-Lo Systems has decided NOT to update the software anymore. This is the last version.

ADAPTER & GANG-ADAPTER: Do you need some special Adapter drivers which is not included in EXPRO1.EXE or EXPRO2.EXE.

MS-DOS Version 8.40.11 - 9. May 1997 - UPDATE84.EXE - 57157 bytes
This update-file is updating V8.40.01 (Nov. 1995) with the following changes:
The file UPDATE84.EXE, which contain 3 files, have to be unpacked in your Expro directory where the 2 existent files must be overwritten.

INSTALL.EXE - 16443 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 8.40.11 - 9. May 1997 - EXPROEXE.EXE - 1000196 bytes (disk1)
MS-DOS Version 8.40.11 - 9. May 1997 - EXPROADP.EXE - 771906 bytes (disk2)
This version is old version 8.40 .
This file have I earlier called V8.41 because Sunshine released 2 updates in Nov. 1995 (Nov.7 and Nov.22) and forgot to change the software version number but to avoid confusion, Sunshine have begun calling this file for V8.40

FILE: If you want to install from diskettes (INSTALL.EXE on same disk as EXPROEXE.EXE) you gonna need 2 diskettes.
The files EXPROEXE.EXE and EXPROADP.EXE can also be unpacked in a directory of your own choice WITHOUT use of the INSTALL.EXE and the software will be ready for use. Sub-directorys will be installed automaticly when unpacked.

GANG-ADAPTER: Do you need some special Adapter drivers which is not included in EXPROEXE.EXE or EXPROADP.EXE.

Do you have any problems with the software (installation or use), then you can contact me at: rmadrm@danbbs.dk My name is Robert
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