KraanWintrupAndy NoggerLiveLet it outWiederhörenFlydayTourneeNachtfart2 SchallplattenKraan XLive 88Dancing in the shadeSoul of stoneFamous yearsLive 2001Berliner ringThroughThrough dtsDiamonds 2010

Diamonds 2010 Gotham City Beach Club SuiteThis website is about the German rock/jazz/fusion band KRAAN.

If you dont see the navigation, click here

Latest news and updates at


  • 14. December

    • wird 40! (40 years with Kraan)
      Das neue Album “Diamonds” (36music/Broken Silence) wird am 21.Januar 2011 veröffentlicht und man feiert den runden Geburtstag mit ein paar Konzerten

    • SIYOU’n’HELL: Die brandneue Single “A Lovely Place” ist diese Woche aus dem Stand auf #76 der deutschen Airplay Charts eingegrätscht!

    • Jan. 5th, 2011, 21:30 German time, one hour of HH-music on the Canadian radio station

    • Ali Neander featuring Hellmut Hattler review in German
      ( google translation to english)


  • 19. september
    Gotham City - find the beach

    • HATTLER "Gotham City Beach Club Suite" album release date: 0ctober 29, 2010! Here is a top-secret pre-listen-link:

      The album is a co-op between “Bassball recordings” and “36music”. The distribution co. for the album (physical and digital) will be “Broken silence” (Hamburg).

  • 22. July

    • Hellmut Hattler will appear on a new jazzrock/fusion album (release Aug 2010)
      by Ali Neander with whom he played the Rockhelden tour in 2006.
      "ERSTE SOLO-CD mit Hellmut Hattler und Paul McCandless bei ESC-Records Release: 8-10-2010 ALI NEANDER"

      He will probably also be on tour with Ali Neander in february 2011

  • 17. June

    • Hamburger Lokalradio, Sonntag, 20.06.2010, ab 22h30:
      90 Minuten "Backstage - Hellmut Hattler im Gespräch mit Peter Maiwald"

    • Ebay: MANI NEUMEIER/INGO BISCHOF "WALDMEISTER" RARE cassette produced, on the TRANSMITTER cassette label (Conrad Schnitzler et al...) 1983 ? A bit overprized if you ask me...

  • 16. March

    • Kraan: Diamonds (2010) now available at:

    • N.B.: Concert cancelled: 18.03.10 Würzburg, posthof!

Previous updates


Updates made in 2009 can be viewed here

Updates made in 2008 can be viewed here

Updates made in 2007 can be viewed here

Updates made in 2006 can be viewed here

updates made in 2005 can be viewed here

22 updates made in 2004 can be viewed here

41 updates made in 2003 can be viewed here

40 updates made in 2002 can be viewed here

49 updates made in 2001 can be viewed here

68 updates made in 2000 can be viewed here

43 updates made in 1999 can be viewed here

The Kraan site contributors "Hall of fame"
Without these people this site would have been more boring !
In arbitrary order:
Matt Gregory - U.S.A.
Per Skiold Frederiksen - Denmark
Achim Vater - Germany
Petrus Wippel - Germany
Andreas Hedler - Germany
Wolfgang Schmidt - Germany
Gary Holdinghausen - U.S.A.
Andi Görres - Germany
Rolf Spengler - Germany
Michael Loesl - Germany
Thorsten Knoop - Germany
Eib Eibelshäuser - Germany
Ulrich Jagusch - Germany
Hellmut Hattler - Germany
Kark Heinz Jardner - Germany
Rudolf Weinert - Germany
Bernward Koch - Germany
Charles Snider - U.S.A.
Lutz Schönlau - Germany
Arndt aus Hilden/Düsseldorf - Germany
Uwe Kerkau - Germany
Uwe Zipter - Germany
Werner Wingen - Germany
Ralf Feiten (S.F. Cody) - Germany
Harald Vullbrock - Germany
Wolfpeter Hörger
Gerd Woldt - Germany
Edgar Hellwig - Germany
Axel Rademacher - Germany
Jörn Bernhard - Germany
Damian Léman - Germany
Steve Cork - United Kingdom
Ole Wintoniak - Denmark
Norbert Rolf - Germany
Klaus Rydahl - Denmark
Michael Bohn - Denmark
Peter Wolbrandt - Germany
Jan Fride (Wolbrandt) - Germany
Christian Zey (Chrille)- Germany
Robert J. Baumann - U.S.A.
Günni Heidler - Germany
Andi Scheibler - Germany
Gunter Auer - Germany
Lutz Wernicke - Germany
Jürgen Lange - Germany
Achim Helge Winkelmeier - Germany
Günter Zoufal - Germany
Dirk Jan Müller - Germany
Herrmann Imkamp - Germany
Wolfgang Schumacher - Germany
Hans-Peter Linz - Germany
Ulrich Mrosek - Germany
Chris Wilhelm - U.S.A.
Fred Bauer - Germany
Daniel & Dave Svita - USA
Frieder Rodermund - Germany
Peter Bertges - Germany
Frank Nissen - Germany
Detlef Weber - Germany
Dietmar Volkmer - Germany
Thomas Feld - Germany
Thierry Miguet - Germany
Andreas Pleister - Germany
Karsten W. Rohrbach - Germany
Volker Faltin - Germany
Friedrich Glorian - Germany
Martin Lowack - Germany
GABS - Tübingen Germany
Michael Bartoldus - Germany

The information on this website is partly ripped from other net sources, partly provided by the contributors listed above.

All URL sources are mentioned on these pages (if not spank me).

Please send a mail to: .

If something is incorrect or does not work as intended, please write me.

This site is made in english rather than swahili, danish, or german to address a larger audience.

A click on most graphics will reveal a larger version.

If you know anything about the band and you would like to put it on here, then please email me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

Michael Bohn

you are visitor number   since jan 6-99
Well, this counter is completely out of order and the number should probably
be multiplied with 3 or 4.
