Brians Homepage

On these pages you can find information about my virtual whereabouts, as well as some personal background. In the software section you can find my music related software. My links in the "more or less useful stuff" section contains links to places I visit often and find rather useful - and it helps on the pagerank on these fine pages too. In there you will also find other useful info I gathered along the way. The software section contains my itch-a-scratch projects - if you find stuff there useful, please drop me a mail.

I'm a notorious hacker in the positive sense - see points 1-5. Therefore I built my Linux from scratch, and therefore I work with assembly programming and sound processing at one of the few places in Denmark you can still do that full time.

While computing is a big part of my life, I have a family too. My wife (fortunately also a computer enthusiast) put together this fine website for the rest of the family.

Enjoy your stay.

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